About Us

>Main Factory

foto sede azienda e.m.g.


Management, Research & Development



- Production even in small volume
- Motors for pumps, pools and spas
- Motors for fans and compressors
- Brake motors
- Motors with centrifugal
  and electronic switch
- Smoke extraction motors
- Motors with self-ventilation
- High efficiency motors



- Mechanical workings of aluminium components standard or on drawing
- Mechanical workings of motors shafts standard or on drawing
- Rotors inserted without thermal treated
- Assembly of stators in frames
- Connection and assembly


E.M.G. Elettromeccanica s.r.l. - Via Croce - 36050 Gambugliano (VI) - T. +39.0444.295111 - F. +39.0444.951850 - P.IVA e C.F. 03970790246 -
www.firgroup.com - www.nidec.com

WEB Design: Tonello Marketing 
WEB Agency: Help Internet Center (business partner)