E.M.G. Elettromeccanica s.r.l. Via Croce - 36050 Gambugliano VICENZA ITALIA Tel. +39 0444 295111 Fax +39 0444 951850 e-mail: info1@nidec-fir.com web site: www.emgelettromeccanica.it
EMG MOTORS AMERICA LLC 1101 Elmwood St. Orlando – Florida, U.S.A. Tel. +1 917 495 2017 Fax +1 407 880 1275 e-mail: web site: www.emgmotorsamerica.com
E.M.G. Elettronica s.r.l. Via Croce - 36050 Gambugliano (VI) Italy Tel. +39.0444.295111 Fax. +39.0444.951850 P.IVA e C.F. 00827060245
- Main and branch factories E.M.G. - Direct distribution to the customer - Five distributors in Europe: United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Cyprus - Extra EU sales points: Israel, Palestine, Marocco
E.M.G. Elettromeccanica s.r.l. - Via Croce - 36050 Gambugliano (VI) - T. +39.0444.295111 - F. +39.0444.951850 - P.IVA e C.F. 03970790246 - www.firgroup.com - www.nidec.com